Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Best Laid Plans

Last night, I decided to come up with a plan. A schedule, so to speak, for our crazy days. I swear to you, I knew when I was coming up with it that God was laughing at me. But I did it anyway. I had good intentions. More focused play with Libby. Incorporating more of her therapy. More focused play with Annie. Less TV. Eating together. You get the idea.

The day started out innocently enough. We pretty much ate breakfast together until Annie started fussing and I had to stick her in her little jumper only a few feet away from the table. Once Annie was out of her seat, Libby insisted on being out of hers by defiantly throwing pieces of food off her tray while looking me dead in the eyes. When I removed the remaining pieces of food left on her tray so she couldn’t continue to do this; she pulled a remnant of something out of her mouth and threw that. We proceeded to floor play a little more quickly than I had anticipated, but that was fine.

We got Annie down for her nap and Libby watched one (okay, two- but they’re short) Yo Gabba Gabba episodes while I showered. We had some good one-on-one time. She quickly said all done to most of the activities I was excited about, but that was fine. We got Annie back up. Fed her and had lunch.  It also took less time than anticipated, but I could adjust our schedule.

We went on a walk. The girls were fine, but I was nearly dying in the heat. So that got cut short, too. Our next “intentional playtime” turned into “play whatever the heck you want”. And I tried to cool off for a few minutes.

After naps, things really started to go downhill. Quickly. Annie was fussy during her bottle. Next on our schedule-a quick venture to Target. Annie was fussy in the car. Libby didn’t want her snack. Whatever. We made it to Target. It was so hot. I always park next to the shopping carts in parking lots because I have two little ones I have to maneuver into the cart without illegally leaving one in the car unsupervised. It is quite an ordeal in and of itself. I put the cover thing over the cart because I’ve been a little overly cautious with Libby, you know, with germs and all. I reached in to get Libby and I got a huge grin from Annie. Okay, good. She’s feeling better, I guess. I put Libby in the cart. The cover thingy kept popping off. It didn't fit the cart. The back kept popping over both her shoulders and covering her like a weird little cape. We strolled over to Annie’s side. When I opened the door, I was greeted with another huge grin. Awwww.

And then I saw it. The green watery mess that was oozing out of her diaper and all around her right thigh. It was everywhere. Somehow it was on an umbrella in my car. I don’t even want to know how it got there. All I could think was Abort Plan, Abort Plan. That, and a few select curse words. I put Libby back in the car. Prayed that Annie didn’t get this mess all over her hands and those same hands into her mouth. The whole way home she just kicked that foot around in her own poop. And I prayed. And I cursed. 

It’s hard to even remember what happened next. All I really remember is sweating profusely while trying to get Annie into the tub without spreading her poop to more places than it already was.  Trying to get the enormous mess into the wash, and sanitizing everything in my path since I have a little one more prone to infection. Yes, me, the one with poop strewn all over her car and her house.

I tried to find something to keep Libby occupied. Anything. Forget “intentional play”. I think she busied herself by taking lots of her bath toys to different areas of the house, and chased the cat under a bed. I really don’t know. I relinquished our evening playtime to, yep, TV time. Annie fussed some more. I threw together an incredibly unhealthy meal. Turned on the sink disposal with a spoon in it. This did trigger a smile from Annie. Fed Libby. Consoled Annie while she fussed some more. Fed Annie. Then, put them to bed. 

May I remind you I had a hand written plan for this day. I spent time writing it out. I kid you not. God, I get it. Please help me to learn more quickly.

*Libby’s numbers are good! We go in for her first treatment of the "consolidation phase" tomorrow (Thursday) morning. Please pray everything goes smoothly.


  1. Oh girl, you know I was dying reading this! I have a daily plan- that never happens- and it drives me crazy! Last night I was telling Don that my new goal is to not to get V to sleep through the night, but to lower my expectations!! It's like a weight was lifted :) Thanks for sharing your crazy day- can't wait to see you soon! XOXOXO

  2. oh you have me cracking up, everytime i think Ive got everything figured out (usually after much planning) God laughs and gently taps my shoulder with a reminder that I am NOT in control of anything

  3. I was literally cracking up reading this. I know you didn't think it was funny at the time, but I have SOOO been there, done that with the poop. We went to the outlet mall one time when Katie was one. Left the house, no diapers, no wipes! What happened at soon as we got to the outlet mall? You guessed it! Had to put her in the car and find a store to get diapers and wipes! Needless to say, I never forgot that stuff again!!!!

  4. Glad life is getting back to normal a little bit. Never thought green runny poo at Target would be your normal, did you? :) Sure beats hospital stays any day! We think of yall often and pray for you daily. xoxo, Erin (and DJ!)
