Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Best News!

Libby's leukemia is in remission! The nurse called with the results of her Day 29 lab work. There are no leukemia cells in her marrow! This is exactly what the doctors want to see, and these results allow her to remain a "standard risk" patient. We still have the arduous process of keeping these cells at bay, but this is amazing news. Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Thank you for your continuous prayers-He is continuously answering them!


  1. That is awesome news - we'll still keep Libby in our prayers even as she beats this thing!

  2. Awesome news!! Hugs and kisses to Libby, we miss her so much. And that little Annie too! Love, Karen.

    1. Karen,
      We miss Y'ALL!!! I will pass on lots of hugs and kisses.
      Much love!

  3. Oh incredible news...yes, praise God. I will keep praying!

  4. Whoo Hooo! Best news ever! Love you guys!
