Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. John 16:22
I hope everyone had a blessed Easter!!! It's hard not to when you think about the sacrifice made on our behalf, righ!t? :) We are completely unworthy. And BEYOND blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jesus!!!
As if that wasn't enough for this week, we've got some more exciting news! Libby will be having surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) to have her port removed. Praise God!!! She has completed all of her necessary IVIG and antibiotic treatments, and the doctor said he's cutting her off! We could not be more thankful. She'll still have regular checkups (but no more lengthy infusions - woo hoo!), and they'll be watching her closely until she reaches the five year out mark. That's when she'll be considered "cured" of leukemia.
We'll head to the hospital tomorrow about 6am. It's an outpatient procedure that shouldn't take too long (We still anticipate it will be much of the day). Please pray for us, especially our Libby. As thrilled as we are, we never love surgery. :)
Thank you for laboring for us in prayer. We love you!!!!
God is so AWESOME!!!
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