Wednesday, April 22, 2015

MRI Stable!!!!

My dear friend emailed the morning we were leaving for our trip. She said she was so glad we were going. And that the girls were in Great hands. And she sent this verse...

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness. 
Lam 3: 22-23

It's one of my favorites. Isn't He so compassionate? Great is His faithfulness! And as I type this Hib and I are relaxing on the beach. It's too much. We got amazing news from the doctor- Libby's MRI looked wonderfully stable. No indication that anything new has happened! Praising Him!!!! Oh, merciful God! 

Knew you would want to know!!! Thank you for your unwavering prayers!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2015


So, we still haven't heard from the doctor regarding Libby's MRI. That was Thursday, and I left with the nurse telling me that the radiologist would read the MRI and it would immediately be put into the system so our doctor would have access to it. And, in fact, if the radiologist found anything concerning he would actually personally call our doctor. We didn't hear anything Thursday. Or Friday. I called the office on Friday, and spoke to our doctor's nurse who told me she would personally call our doctor and make sure he reads it and either he would call me back, or she would. And nothing. Obviously, now it's the weekend and we wouldn't expect to hear anything.

Here's the kicker. Hib and I have had a trip planned, just the two of us, for months. We're scheduled to leave for the beach tomorrow. Early last week I was almost sure we wouldn't be going, but it would involve cancelling non refundable plane tickets, reservations, etc. By the middle of the week, I thought, we'll get the results and that will give us our answer. It will be decided for us. I actually prayed specifically for clear answers so we would know the decision to make regarding this trip. And here we are. Saturday night. Nothing. We're in a little bit of disbelief we didn't hear. After much praying, and waiting, and talking with the precious loved ones we're entrusting our girls to while we're gone; we've decided to go on our trip. With the information we have now, and clinging to the theory that "no news is good news" we feel fairly comfortable. :)  Libby seems really good. Obviously, we'll be ready to fly home at a moment's notice. Thankfully, it's a short flight. 

Would you please pray for us. Particularly for God's protection of Libby and those taking care of her while we're gone. We're pretty nervous, but trusting He's given us the exact information we're supposed to have as of now. And that He could've/would've closed the door on this trip if that was best. I expect to hear something from the doctor next week. Surely Monday. :) I'll keep you posted! Thank you so much for your continued prayers!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

MRI Complete

Thank you so much for your prayers! The MRI procedure went very well. Especially considering Libby couldn't eat until 3 this afternoon! :) She's a better girl than I. Ever the trooper, that one. We still don't have results. The doctor will hopefully call with those when he reads the report. You know I'll update! Love to all!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Hits Keep On Coming...

Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It's way over our heads. We'll never figure it out. 
Is there anyone around who can explain God?
Anyone smart enough to tell Him what to do? 
Anyone who has done him such a huge favor that God has to ask his advice? 
Everything comes from Him, 
Everything happens through Him, 
Everything ends up in Him. 
Always glory! Always praise! 
Romans 11: 33-36

Well, her port is out. And... we're on to our next thing. 
Libby has been doing really well. With the exception of one minor thing. The last several days I've noticed a speech issue going on with her. It's hardly noticeable, but it's strange.  She seems to be having some trouble retrieving a couple of her very commonly used phrases. And she's having trouble saying them. It's weird, because I've only picked up on a couple of phrases. Seemingly most of her other vocabulary is intact. I don't think I saw this prior to her surgery. But I can't be sure. I've been a little hyper focused this week. She's not the clearest of communicators. But these few phrases are distinctly different within the last week. I finally felt the urge to call the doctor. Hoping he would reassure me and tell me it sounds like nothing. He didn't. He told me it concerns him, too. And could be brain/stroke related. He wants to do an MRI this Thursday. Despite the fact this puts her at risk because she'll have to be sedated. 

I'll admit I haven't been doing so great with this recent development. You'd think I'd have learned by now to trust. I do trust. I guess I mean, you'd think I'd have learned to just trust and shut up. I trust. And I fuss. WHY are You doing this? This is too much. 

And I'm so thankful for all of you prayer warriors. Those of you I've spoken with even before I write this. I feel your prayers. As time goes on, my wrestling wanes.  I know you're praying for His peace in me.  I feel it. You console me. Encourage me. I feel encouraged, even when I think of the scariest outcomes (yes, I do that). He is near.
 I have a dear friend who is insistent on bringing me a meal every time I mention the slightest thing to her. She cracks me up. I'll beg her not to. She'll bring me one tomorrow. She is such a blessing. And I love her. What a gift God has sent me in her. In all of you. One thing is so obvious to me. He provides. Always. Abundantly.
And He will again. Whether it's answers. Or not. Or healing. Or not. Maybe it's just endurance (I could sure use more of that). Or comfort. The perfect words. Or more peace. He'll give us what we need. He always does. And for that I am incredibly thankful. He is awesome. 

 One of Hib's friends sent us a text this afternoon. He wrote it gave him great comfort to think that our little ones have guardian angels. He mentioned Matthew 18.  I read a little bit of it, and some of the commentary on this chapter. The commentary mentioned that there are indeed guardian angels assigned by God and they're entrusted with a definite and special work. It went on to say that those angels who have guardianship over our littlest ones are among the most noble of the heavenly host. And they stand before the face of God and rejoice in the beatific vision.

I  love the picture God painted in my mind with this. Libby's angel and Holy God. His plans for her unfolding. I don't know what they are. Yet, Peace. Thank you, God!

Prayers please...Thank you! We love you!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Port Is Out!!!

Surgery went beautifully!!! In fact, you'd never know Libby had surgery. 

Praise God!!! 

It was 85 degrees today.

Let Spring Break commence...

inappropriate water play and all. :) 

Thank you SO much for your prayers!!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter...And An Exciting Prayer Request!!!

 Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. John 16:22

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter!!! It's hard not to when you think about the sacrifice made on our behalf, righ!t? :) We are completely unworthy. And BEYOND blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jesus!!!

As if that wasn't enough for this week, we've got some more exciting news! Libby will be having surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) to have her port removed. Praise God!!! She has completed all of her necessary IVIG and antibiotic treatments, and the doctor said he's cutting her off!  We could not be more thankful. She'll still have regular checkups (but no more lengthy infusions - woo hoo!), and they'll be watching her closely until she reaches the five year out mark. That's when she'll be considered "cured" of leukemia. 

 We'll head to the hospital tomorrow about 6am. It's an outpatient procedure that shouldn't take too long (We still anticipate it will be much of the day). Please pray for us, especially our Libby. As thrilled as we are, we never love surgery. :) 

Thank you for laboring for us in prayer. We love you!!!! 

God is so AWESOME!!!


I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends