Thursday, June 28, 2012

Roid Rage

                                                                           Post Rage
Prayers were answered today! Libby’s treatment went beautifully. She had no complications with this drug. The morning was nice and quiet. We had a visit from Grandmamma and Granddaddy. We went to music class. The OR was on time. The procedure was quick. And she was back with me in no time. Praise God!

There is one other prayer I will now be lifting up. Libby is on steroids. Everyday. For 29 days. Apparently, that’s a lot of steroids for a little girl. They told us they might make her a little crazy. And they told us they would make her very hungry. But we haven’t really seen any of that. Until now.  Evidently, the steroids plus no food for almost 24 hours is the ticket.

Hib and I are big eaters. And we come from families with big eaters. And I’ve never seen anything like this. My 20 pound Libby. Shoving fistful after fistful of Cheerios in her mouth and crying because they just couldn’t fill her up fast enough. Really crying. As concerned as I was that she truly could have choked, I found myself shoving a few more in between her fistfuls so that she had four fists working instead of her two. If she dropped a Cheerio, she would cry harder, frantically searching the bed for it. This went on for an hour, with various different foods. She ate the entire hour. Moaning and groaning, trying to satiate her little belly.  I could tell when we had made it. Her chewing slowed. Her eyes kind of glazed over. She looked at me and giggled. I’ve been there. And I’m praying for an early morning procedure time next go round. 

PS Happy Anniversary, Hibbie! I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you. Thanking God for you everyday.

Thank you, Aunt Brooke and Aunt Richelle for loving on Libby and letting us have a wonderful night out! 


  1. Just came over after seeing Reginia's email with your blog link. So sorry you are all going through this now. I will be following your journey and we will be praying for and hoping to see her at playgroup soon.

    1. Thank you, Lisa! We feel those prayers and absolutely plan on getting to playgroup soon! :)

  2. Hello sweet family. My name is Heather, mom to Miss Zoey, another cancer warrior girl sporting an extra chromosome. We know the very darling Emily, that sent us your way and we are very good friends with Ella and her family, as they are here in California near us. This is how it works, the amazing internet. We connect and we spread the word and we unite for these precious children.

    We wish you were not going through this. That your sweet girl was not going through this. We know all too well the the pain of the journey but we also know the beauty. We would cling to that beauty and our faith during the early days especially and beyond. Just as you will.

    Sending Libby and the rest of you, prayers for the all the days and moments ahead. I am certain that Libby will continue to show you the way, with strength,resiliency and forgiveness, that will rival anything that you have ever seen. Promise.

    1. Heather,
      That is just precisely what I need to hear. :) Thank you so much. I am just ecstatic about Zoey! Thank you for being on this journey with us, and especially for the encouragement and prayers!!

  3. Sending thoughts and prayers from Washington State!!

  4. My name is Sarah. I am thinking of you.

  5. your blogging friends are here for you if there is anything at all I can do to help, let me know. Remember that you all are covered in many, many prayers for Libby, your family, and doctors.
    hugs from louisiana

  6. I am praying for Libby and your family..Jeremiah 29:11 at the top of your blog is one I hold tight to all the time. This blogging community will support you and be here to life you up whenever you need it. Life seems so unfair sometimes, but there is a plan....His plan...and He will do good with it. Hugs to you all.

  7. Praying for Libby. She's beautiful!

  8. It breaks my heart that Libby has cancer. I'm praying for you. Libby is gorgeous. Lots of love!
