I can't do it. Annie says to me all day long. Whenever she finds herself in a difficult situation. I find myself responding to her the same way over and over again. You CAN do it. Do you need help? These girls give me constant glimpses of my Father's love for me.
I can't do it. I've been saying this to Him, constantly, since I was pregnant with Libby. And over and over again. He shows me otherwise.
By the end of this Spring Break I found myself weary. Weary after clinic (it went very well-thank you for those prayers!). Weary after a trip to the ER Wednesday night because of a fever. Weary thinking about possible new ways the doctors might administer medication. More appointments. Therapies. All the things I feel I need to be doing for my girls every moment of every day.
I feel inadequate. I feel weak. My power works best in weakness. Do you need help?
Parenting brings me to my knees. I'm pretty sure it's designed that way. By Him. It stretches me. Humbles me. Binds me to Him. I KNOW I'm designed to be that way.
Embracing weakness over here. :)
My constant boast is God. I can never thank You enough! Psalm 44:8