Friday, September 7, 2012

Treatment Hiatus

I haven’t been updating you on Libby’s treatments. And that’s because there have been no treatments.  We are in a holding pattern. We are waiting for Libby’s blood counts to recover. Apparently, this is normal. The doctors want her numbers to be at a certain level before we begin the next round of treatment. They aren’t there. But they’re close. We should be good to go next week. 

Meanwhile, I’m so thankful for this little hiatus. During a typical week we have a myriad of appointments. And it gets to be a lot. This week we had our usual therapy appointments, our blood count appointment, an ophthalmologist appointment, a sleep study, and our first aquatic therapy appointment. Libby and I are somewhat equipped to handle this pace, but poor little Annie doesn’t quite have the stamina. She goes with us. And let me tell you.  It ain't always pretty. It’s kind of comical, actually (after the fact). We go to these appointments and Libby is the one who has to do the work in therapy, she’s the one who has to get her finger pricked for blood, get her eyes dilated, and sleep in some crazy contraption. But it’s my Annie who cries. And cries. And cries. I left the ophthalmologist yesterday and I don’t have a clue what he told me. I was trying to listen despite Annie’s screaming, but I could only pick up about every third or fourth word. I pray he didn’t have anything too important to say. And I pray the prescription he handed me will come with thorough instructions. 

(Libby's sleep study. Have you ever!?!?)

On Libby’s treatment days, we are blessed to be able to send Annie to our amazing friend, Karen. I know Annie prefers this. And, honestly, so do I.  She gets lots of love and attention. She gets to play. And nap. And I get to not lose my mind. And with this letup in treatment, Libby and I have even been able to steal a couple of days just the two of us. It’s been such a treat. This time together, one on one. We slow down. And we just enjoy each other. I cherish these days, because I know they're fostering our relationship. That’s how you nurture your relationships-with God, with your husband, your children, anyone. Spending time together. So I’m incredibly thankful for the moments and, better yet, the days we get to slow down. And just be together.  

Happy Weekend!


  1. Hi! My son Brennan is 4 1/2 years old and has Down syndrome. He also has ALL and was diagnosed on July 8th, so we're just a little behind you with his treatment. His chemo is also currently on hold while we wait for his counts to recover. I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts.

  2. Hi Sharon!
    I'm so glad you're in touch with us. :) I'll be keeping y'all in my prayers, too! I hope Brennan is feeling really well. Please let me know if you need anything, or just want to talk. Anytime. :)
